Friday, January 8, 2010

Inspiring Words

I just saw Kandee Johnson's you tube video re: the New Year and sometimes I wonder how there could be people in this world (my husband is one of them too) that bring such inspiring words, thoughts, ideas and many of those thoughts I've thought of them but was never able to actually express them the way they were expressed or maybe I was just afraid? Negative thinking again. Sometimes I feel like I'm invincible and there is no one or nothing that will change my mind, but at times i say to my self no I can't do that...well its like the movie "Yes Man" (Jim Carey) go for it don't be negative, don't talk yourself out of it and "sera, sera" you will never know if that was your time, your turn, your everything that you could of been waiting for and it could possibly turn your world around. I still have many dreams of what I would truly enjoy doing and slowly but surely I'm sincerely going for them and we'll see what happens.

If anyone out there actually does read this, I hope that perhaps this inspires you to go for it and like Kandee said be BOLD! That way you won't ask yourself I wonder what would of happened if I went for it?


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